You Can Be A Change Agent!
May 7, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm UTC-8
You Can Be A Change Agent!
There are many societal and individual factors that contribute to low employment motivation in the people we serve. This powerful webinar will reinvent how you go about increasing employment motivation in adults and youth with no or low levels of interest in going to work. No matter what population you serve, what type of program you work in, regardless of your job title, if you want to help increase employment motivation in the people you serve, do not miss this webinar!
Some of the things covered in this webinar include:
- Find out why many of our traditional approaches to increasing employment motivation do not work. Learn the truth about what can change employment motivation from a revealing in-depth survey of more than 500 people that started out with a “no work no way” attitude and then went on to become employed! Discover how and why they changed their outlook so you can put these strategies into your work.
- Workforce staff often complain that people are not motivated. The truth is that everyone is motivated. Every person has done things to change their lives for the better in some way. Learn how to conduct a unique Motivational Assessment History that will reveal the often hidden forces in people that can activate the motivation to change. You can make the connection between these forces for change and employment and watch people get a whole new level of interest in working!
- People who are hard-to-employ often have a self-image that makes them see themselves as someone that is not working and cannot work. This webinar will give you powerful counseling strategies that can help people reframe their image of themselves so they can see themselves working. When people can envision themselves at work, this new picture of them can become the building block of employment motivation.
- This process can be reinforced if people can see other people working in jobs they would like. The webinar includes resources for videos and free pictures of people working that you can incorporate into your motivation counseling. You will see the results which show why a picture is indeed worth a 1000 words!
- A common mistake made in motivation building work is to oversell the benefits of employment and never talk about the plusses and minuses of going to work. While we are cheerleading work and making it sound like a perfect experience, the people we serve are focusing on what they lose by going to work and the problems that going to work will create.
This webinar will show you how to surface these hidden points of resistance about going to work by conducting a Win Loss Assessment. This unique counseling process will show you how to have a balanced conversation about the benefits and drawbacks of working. When people hear that you are being more objective about work and seeing it through their eyes, it can lead to major breakthroughs in their attitudes about employment.
- We often talk about the money people will earn from working and use this as a motivational strategy. The truth is that the money most people will earn in an entry level job is not that great and working can often lead to reduced benefits, so they actually lose money by going to work.
But while a paycheck is important, working is about much more than a paycheck. Working can help people see and move toward a better future for themselves and their loved ones. It can build self-esteem and pride. Working can make people better role models for friends and family. The coworker workplace family can be a very supportive network. This are just a few of the benefits of work that do not focus on the salary. This webinar will show you how to take the conversation about working far beyond the paycheck.
- The webinar will give you the tools to create a unique and very effective employment counseling handout tool titled What Do I Want to Get Out of Work Besides a Paycheck? that you can use with people to help them think beyond the paycheck in ways that will increase employment motivation.
If you want to help the people you serve, go from saying, “no work no way” to “I got the job!” then don’t miss this webinar!
“Join OETA today and receive 15% off this training.”
If you cannot attend this date but want to experience the event, you can still register here and receive access to the recording for 30 days after the live session.