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Who is this for:

  • Anyone seeking to explore new ways of understanding how our brains process change, desiring new ways to understand stress, trauma, and resiliency for themselves and/or the people they’re in relationships with: customers, clients, students, parents, patients, community members, friends, family, etc.
  • Professional staff and managers from all industry sectors  –  businesses, workforce, education, human services, healthcare, community-based organizations, etc. 
  • Empower CPEC Academy students seeking coach certification.


Get ready for a deep dive!

The only thing constant is change. We continue to live our personal and professional lives in the grip of major change, learning to navigate and pivot daily to an ever transforming world. While we do this personally, many of us are holding professional titles, such as managers, case managers, coaches, human resource managers, teachers, mentors, that also call for us to assist others in navigating these major changes, too. If this is you, don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your tools and add new skills to your toolbelt.

This workshop is the next step in your professional development. It’s an opportunity to deepen your own personal work in resiliency, while also assisting others in their journeys toward positive change. The Power of Intention will help you to view change through the lens of neuroscience. We deepen our understanding of mindfulness and intentionality both personally and professionally in this learning opportunity. You will learn, practice, reflect, and identify steps towards success.

Don’t miss this!

Outcomes and Benefits Include:

  • Understanding the neurobiology of change
  • Strengthening the connection between mindfulness and behaviors
  • Creating intentionality with self and others
  • Exploring and navigating cognitive distortions

Join facilitator, Tiffany Grimes, Empower Coaching and Training Founder, in this powerful, live, and virtual two-part workshop series. The workshop series is four hours in total, offered in two-hours sessions. The Power of Intention serves as the entry point to the advanced training of Essential Coaching Skills (ESC). ECS takes the work of Power of Intention to a whole new level and includes 14-hours of training leading to creating a coaching mindset to powerfully guide yourself and others in transformation.

Workshops is limited to 30 participants.

The Power of Intention is a four-hour training and is offered two, half-day options and single, full-day options.

Cost is $155 per person.

For group registration or to bring this workshop to your organization, contact info@yesempower.com.


Questions or comments?
Contact Georgia Conrad at: info@oregonworkforcepartnership.org